Humane Inc. Seeks Buyer After Rocky Launch of Wearable AI Device

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Artificial intelligence startup Humane Inc. has been seeking a buyer for its business, according to people familiar with the matter, just weeks after the company’s closely watched wearable AI device had a rocky public launch.


Artificial intelligence and wearable technology are two of the hottest topics in tech today. When Humane Inc., a startup company founded by two former Apple veterans, launched its wearable AI pin, it was seen as a potential game-changer. However, just weeks after its launch, the company is already exploring a potential sale, as sources say. In this article, we’ll dive into the journey of Humane, the challenges it faced, and what the future might hold for this ambitious startup.

Also Read: 9 Reasons the Humane Ai Pin Could Be Your Next Personal Assistant

The Vision Behind Humane

Humane was founded with a bold vision: to create a revolutionary AI-powered device that could redefine the way we interact with technology. The founders, Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, envisioned a future where wearable technology could seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, providing an alternative to the omnipresent smartphone.

Founders and Their Background

Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno are not just any tech entrepreneurs; they are seasoned veterans from Apple Inc. Chaudhri was instrumental in designing the iPhone’s user interface, while Bongiorno led software engineering projects at Apple. Their combined expertise and experience promised great things for Humane, and their ambitious goals attracted significant attention and investment.

The AI Pin: Innovation and Challenges

The centerpiece of Humane’s vision was its AI pin—a magnetic, square-shaped, laser-beaming wearable device. Priced at $699, this device was designed to offer users a more intuitive and less intrusive way to interact with AI technology. It was billed as a potential rival to smartphones, but it faced several challenges right out of the gate.

Initial Buzz and Investor Enthusiasm

Before its launch, the AI pin generated a significant amount of buzz. Investors were eager to get in on the ground floor of what they believed could be the next big thing in tech. Humane raised $230 million from high-profile investors, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. The company was valued at $850 million by investors, reflecting high expectations for its success.

Launch Day: What Went Wrong

However, the excitement quickly faded once the AI pin was released to the public. Despite the initial buzz, the device was met with a wave of criticism. Users and reviewers reported several issues, ranging from poor battery life and overheating to unreliable performance and impracticality. The rocky launch significantly dampened the initial enthusiasm.

The Critical Reviews

Critics were not kind to the AI pin. They pointed out that while the concept was innovative, the execution left much to be desired. Reliability issues, poor battery life, and overheating were major points of contention. Many felt that the device, although promising, was not ready for prime time. This negative feedback hit Humane hard, leading to questions about the viability of the product.

Addressing the Device’s Issues

In response to the criticism, Humane acknowledged the problems and committed to addressing them. The company announced that it was working on improving battery life, reducing overheating, and enhancing the device’s accuracy and response time. However, these fixes would take time, and the damage to the company’s reputation was already done.

Market Context: AI and Wearable Tech

Humane’s struggles come at a time when the AI and wearable technology markets are becoming increasingly competitive. Other companies are also pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI hardware. For example, Meta Platforms Inc. has been working on AI-powered Ray-Bans, and other startups are developing innovative handheld devices.

Competitors in the AI Hardware Space

Humane is not alone in its quest to revolutionise wearable technology. Competitors like Meta’s AI Ray-Bans and the handheld Rabbit device are also vying for a piece of the market. While these technologies have yet to become mainstream, the race is on to see who can perfect their products and win over consumers.

Financial Moves: Seeking a Buyer

Given the rocky launch and subsequent challenges, Humane has been working with a financial adviser to explore a potential sale. According to sources, the company is seeking a price between $750 million and $1 billion. This move is seen as an attempt to secure the future of the company and its technology, even if it means changing hands.

Potential Valuation and Sale Price

While Humane is seeking a substantial price for a potential sale, the outcome is far from certain. The process is still in its early stages, and there is no guarantee that a deal will be struck. The valuation range of $750 million to $1 billion reflects both the company’s potential and the risks involved.

What’s Next for Humane?

As Humane navigates these turbulent waters, the big question is: what’s next? Will the company find a buyer willing to invest in its vision and help overcome its current challenges? Or will it continue to struggle as an independent entity, working to refine its product and regain consumer trust? Only time will tell.

FAQs About Humane AI

Q1. What is Humane Inc.?

Humane Inc. is a startup company founded in 2018 by former Apple veterans Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno. The company focuses on developing innovative AI-powered wearable technology.

Q2. What is the AI pin developed by Humane?

The AI pin is a magnetic, square-shaped, laser-beaming wearable device designed to provide an alternative to smartphones. It was intended to offer a more intuitive way to interact with AI technology.

Q3. Why is Humane exploring a potential sale?

Humane is exploring a potential sale due to the rocky launch of its AI pin, which faced significant criticism for issues like poor battery life, overheating, and reliability. The company is seeking a price between $750 million and $1 billion.

Q4. Who are some of Humane’s notable investors?

Humane has raised $230 million from high-profile investors, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. The company was valued at $850 million by investors.

Q5. What challenges did Humane’s AI pin face after its launch?

After its launch, the AI pin was criticised for several issues, including poor battery life, overheating, and unreliable performance. These challenges significantly impacted the device’s reception and the company’s reputation.


Humane’s journey is a testament to the challenges and unpredictability of the tech industry. Despite a promising start and significant investment, the company has faced significant hurdles. As it explores a potential sale, the future remains uncertain. However, one thing is clear: the quest to revolutionise AI and wearable technology is far from over, and Humane’s story is just one chapter in a much larger narrative.

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